The Broad Wall
C. H. Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an English Baptist preacher. He was known as the "Prince of Preachers." He was a leader in the Reformed Baptist tradition. He was in full agrement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. He was pastor of the New Park Street Chapel, and the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London for 38 years. He founded Spurgeon's College, and a Christian charity organization now called Spurgeon's which has a global ministry. Many of Spurgeon's sermons were transcribed as he spoke and were translated into many languages during his life time. His sermons were powerful with penetrating thought and precise exposition. You will find many of his books in print in Christian book stores and on the internet.
"The broad
wall."—Nehemiah 3:8.
It seems that around
Jerusalem of old, in the time of her splendor, there
was a broad wall, which was her defence and her
glory. Jerusalem is a type of the Church of God. It
is always well when we can see clearly, distinctly,
and plainly, that around the Church to which we
belong there runs a broad wall.
This idea of a broad wall
around the Church suggests three things: separation,
security, and enjoyment. Let us examine each of
these in its turn.
I. First, the
SEPARATION of the people of God from the world
is like that broad wall surrounding the holy city of
When a man becomes a
Christian he is still in the world, but he is no
longer to be of it. He was an heir of wrath, but he
has now become a child of grace. Being of a distinct
nature, he is required to separate himself from the
rest of mankind, as the Lord Jesus Christ did, who
was "holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from
sinners." The Lord's Church was separated in his
eternal purpose. It was separated in his covenant
and decree. It was separated in the atonement, for
even there we find that our Lord is called "the
saviour of all men, especially of them that
believe." An actual separation is made by grace, is
carried on in the work of sanctification, and will
be completed in that day when the heavens shall be
on fire, and the saints shall be caught up together
with the Lord in the air; and in that last
tremendous day, he shall divide the nations as a
shepherd divides the sheep from the goats, and then
there shall be a great gulf fixed, across which the
ungodly cannot go to the righteous, neither shall
the righteous approach the wicked.
Practically, my business
is to say to those of you who profess to be the
Lord's people, take care that you maintain a broad
wall of separation between yourselves and the world.
I do not say that you are to adopt any peculiarity
of dress, or to take up some singular style of
speech. Such affectation gendereth, sooner or later,
hypocrisy. A man be as thoroughly worldly in one
coat as in another, he may be quite as vain and
conceited with one style of speech as with another;
nay, he may be even more of the world when he
pretends to be separate, than if he had left the
pretence of separation alone. The separation which
we plead for is moral and spiritual. Its foundation
is laid deep in the heart, and its substantial
reality is very palpable in the life.
Every Christian, it seems
to me, should be more scrupulous than other men in
his dealings. He must never swerve from the path of
integrity. He should never say, "It is the custom:
it is perfectly understood in the trade." Let the
Christian remember that custom cannot sanction
wrong, and that its being "understood" is no apology
for misrepresentation. A lie "understood" is not
therefore true. While the golden rule is more
admired than practiced by ordinary men, the
Christian should always do unto others as he would
that they should do unto him. He should be one whose
word is his bond, and who, having once pledged his
word, sweareth to his own hurt, but changeth not.
There ought to be an essential difference between
the Christian and the best moralist, by reason of
the higher standard which the gospel inculcates, and
the Saviour has exemplified. Certainly, the highest
point to which the best unconverted man can go might
well be looked upon as a level below which the
converted man will never venture to descend.
Moreover, the Christian
should especially be distinguished by his pleasures,
for it is here, usually, that the man comes out in
his true colors. We are not quite ourselves,
perhaps, in our daily toil, where our pursuits are
rather dictated by necessity than by choice. We are
not alone; the society we are thrown into imposes
restraints upon us; we have to put the bit and the
bridle upon ourselves. The true man does not then
show himself; but when the day's work is done, then
the "birds of a feather flock together." It is with
the multitude of traders and commercial men as it
was with those saints of old, of whom, when they
were liberated from prison, it was said, "Being let
go, they went unto their own company." So will your
pleasures and pastimes give evidence of what your
heart is, and where it is. If you can find pleasure
in sin, then in sin you choose to live, and unless
grace prevent, in sin you will not fail to perish.
But if your pleasures are of a nobler kind, and your
companions of a devouter character; if you seek
spiritual enjoyments, if you find your happiest
moments in worship, in communion, in silent prayer,
or in the public assembling of yourselves with the
people of God, then your higher instincts become
proof of your purer character, and you will be
distinguished in your pleasures by a broad wall
which effectually separates you from the world.
Such separation should be
carried, I think, into everything which affects the
Christian. "What have they seen in thy house?" was
the question asked of Hezekiah. When a stranger
comes into our house it should be so ordered that he
can clearly perceive that the Lord is there. A man
ought scarcely to tarry a night beneath our roof,
without gathering that we have a respect unto him
that is invisible, and that we desire to live and
move in the light of God's countenance. I have
already said that I would not have you cultivate
singularities for singularity's sake; yet, as the
most of men are satisfied if they do as other people
do, you must never be satisfied until you do more
and better than other people, having found out a
mode and course of life as far transcending the
ordinary worldling's life, as the path of the eagle
in the air is above that of the mole which burrows
under the soil.
This broad wall between
the godly and the ungodly should be most conspicuous
in the spirit of our mind. The ungodly man has only
this world to live for; do not wonder if he lives
very earnestly for it. He has no other treasure; why
should he not get as much as he can of this? But
you, Christian, profess to have immortal life,
therefore, your treasure is not to be amassed in
this brief span of existence. Your treasure is laid
up in heaven and available for eternity. Your best
hopes overleap the narrow bounds of time, and fly
beyond the grave; your spirit must not, therefore,
be earth-bound and grovelling, but soaring and
heavenly. There should be about you always the air
of one who has his shoes on his feet, his loins
girded, and his staff in his hand—away, away, away
to a better land. You are not to talk of this world
as though it were to last for ever. You are not to
hoard it and treasure it up, as though you had set
your heart upon it, but you are to be on the wing as
though you had not a nest here, and never could
have, but expected to find your resting-place among
the cedars of God, in the hill- tops of glory.
Depend upon it, the more
unworldly a Christian is the better it is for him.
Methinks I could mention several reasons why this
wall should be very broad. If you are sincere in
your profession, there is a very broad distinction
between you and unconverted people. Nobody can tell
how far life is removed from death. Can you measure
the difference? They are as opposite as the poles.
Now, according to your profession, you are a living
child of God, you have received a new life, whereas
the children of this world are dead in trespasses
and sins. How palpable the difference between light
and darkness? Yet, you profess to have been
"sometimes darkness," but now you are made "light in
the Lord." There is, therefore, a great distinction
between you and the world if you are what you
profess to be. You say, when you put on the name of
Christ, that you are going to the Celestial City, to
the New Jerusalem; but the world turns its back upon
the heavenly country, and goes downward to that
other city of which you know that destruction is its
doom; your path is different from theirs. If you be
what you say you are, the road you take must be
diametrically opposite to that of the ungodly man.
You know the difference between their ends. The end
of the righteous shall be glory everlasting, but the
end of the wicked is destruction. Unless then you
are a hypocrite, there is such a distinction between
you and others as only God himself could make—a
distinction which originates here, to be perpetuated
throughout eternity. When the social diversities
occasioned by rank and dependency, riches and
poverty, ignorance and learning, shall all have
passed away; the distinctions between the children
of God and the children of men, between saints and
scoffers, between the chosen and the castaway, will
still exist. I pray you, then, maintain a broad wall
in your conduct, as God has made a broad wall in
your state and in your destiny.
Remember again, that our
Lord Jesus Christ had a broad wall between him and
the ungodly. Look at him and see how different he is
from the men of his time. All his life long you
observe him to be a stranger and a foreigner in the
land. Truly, he drew near to sinners, as near as he
could draw, and he received them when they were
willing to draw near to him; but he did not draw
near to their sins. He was "holy, harmless,
undefiled, and separate from sinners." When he went
to his own city of Nazareth, he only preached a
single sermon, and they would have cast him headlong
down the hill if they could. When he passed through
the street, he became the song of the drunkard, the
butt of the foolish, the mark at which the proud
shot out the arrows of their scorn. At last, having
come to his own, and his own having received him
not, they determined to thrust him altogether out of
the camp, so they took him to Golgotha, and nailed
him to the tree as a malefactor, a promoter of
sedition. He was the great Dissenter, the great
Nonconformist of his age. The National Church first
excommunicated, and then executed him. He did not
seek difference in things trivial; but the purity of
his life and the truthfulness of his testimony,
roused the spleen of the rulers and the chief men of
their synagogues. He was ready in all things to
serve them and to bless them, but he never would
blend with them. They would have made him a king.
Ah! if he would but have joined the world, the world
would have given him the chief place, as the world's
Prince said on the mountain: "All these things will
I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
But he drives away the fiend, and stands immaculate
and separate even to the close of his life. If you
are a Christian, be a Christian. If you follow
Christ, go without the camp. But if there be no
difference between you and your fellow-man, what
will you say unto the King in the day when he cometh
and findeth that you have on no wedding garment by
which you can be distinguished from the rest of
mankind? Because Christ made a broad wall around
himself, there must be such an one around his
Moreover, dear friends,
you will find that a broad wall of separation is
abundantly good for yourselves. I do not think any
Christian in the world will tell you that when he
has given way to the world's customs, he has ever
been profited thereby. If you can go and find an
evening's amusement in a suspicious place, and feel
profited by it, I am sure you are not a Christian;
for, if you were a Christian indeed, it would pain
your conscience, and unfit you for devouter
exercises of the heart. Ask a fish to spend an hour
on dry land, and, I think, did it comply, the fish
would find that it was not much to its benefit, for
it would be out of its element. And it will be so
with you in communion with sinners. When you are
compelled to associate with worldly people in the
ordinary course of business, you find much that
grates upon the ear, that troubles the heart, and
annoys the soul. You will be often like righteous
Lot, vexed with the conversation of the wicked, and
you will say with David:
"Ah! woe is me that I
In Meshech dwell so long:
That I in tabernacles
To Kedar that belong!"
Your soul would pine and
sigh to come forth and wash your hands of everything
that is impure and unclean. As you find no comfort
there, you will long to get away to the chaste, the
holy, the devout, the edifying fellowship of the
saints. Make a broad wall, dear friends, in your
daily life. If you begin to give way a little to the
world, you will soon give way a great deal. Give sin
an inch, and it will take an ell. "Take care of the
pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves,"
is an apt motto of economy. So, too, guard against
little sins, if you would be clear of the great
transgression. Look after the little approaches to
worldliness, the little givings-up towards the
things of ungodliness, and then you will not make
provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof.
Another good reason for
keeping up the broad wall of separation is, that you
will do most good to the world thereby. I know Satan
will tell you that if you bend a little, and come
near to the ungodly, then they also will come a
little way to meet you. Ay, but it is not so. You
lose your strength, Christian, the moment you depart
from your integrity. What do you think ungodly
people say behind your back, if they see you
inconsistent to please them? "Oh!" say they, "there
is nothing in his religion, but vain pretence; the
man is not sincere." Although the world may openly
denounce the rigid Puritan, it secretly admires him.
When the big heart of the world speaks out, it has
respect to the man that is sternly honest, and will
not yield his principles—no, not a hair's breadth.
In such an age as this, when there is so little
sound conviction, when principle is cast to the
winds, and when a general latitudinarianism, but of
thought and of practice, seems to rule the day, it
is still the fact, that a man who is decided in his
belief, speaks his mind boldly, and acts according
to his profession—such a man is sure to command the
reverence of mankind. Depend upon it, woman, your
husband and your children will respect you none the
more because you say, "I will give up some of my
Christian privileges," or "I will go sometimes with
you into that which is sinful." You cannot help them
out of the mire if you go and plunge into the mud
yourself. You cannot help to make them clean if you
go and blacken your own hands. How can you wash
their faces then? You young man in the shop—you
young woman in the work-room—if you keep yourselves
to yourselves in Christ's name, chaste and pure for
Jesus, not laughing at jests which should make you
blush: not mixing up with pastimes that are
suspicious; but, on the other hand, tenderly jealous
of your conscience as one who shrinks from a
doubtful thing as a sinful thing, holding sound
faith and being scrupulous of the truth—if you will
keep yourselves, your company in the midst of others
shall be as though an angel shook his wings, and
they will say to one another, "Refrain from this or
that just now, for so-and-so is there." They will
fear you, in a certain sense; they will admire you,
in secret; and who can tell but they, at last, may
come to imitate you.
Would ye tempt God? Would
ye challenge the desolating flood? Whenever the
church comes down to mingle with the world, it
behooves the faithful few to fly to the ark and seek
shelter from the avenging storm. When the sons of
God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair to
look upon, then it was that God said it repented him
that he had made men upon the face of the earth, and
he sent the deluge to sweep them away. A separate
people God's people must be, and they shall be. It
is his own declaration, "The people shall dwell
alone; they shall not be numbered among the people."
The Christian is, in some respects like the Jew. The
Jew is the type of the Christian. You may give the
Jew political privileges, as he ought to have; he
may be adopted into the State, as he ought to be;
but a Jew he is, and a Jew he must be still. He is
not a Gentile, even though he calls himself English,
or Portuguese, or Spanish, or Polish. He remains one
of the people of Israel, a child of Abraham, a Jew
still; and you can mark him as such—his speech
betrayeth him in every land. So should it be with
the Christian; mixing up with other men, as he must
in his daily calling; going in and out among them,
like a man among men; trading in the market; dealing
in the shop; mingling in the joys of the social
circle; taking his part in politics, like a citizen,
as he is; but, at the same time even, having a
higher and a nobler life, a secret into which the
world cannot enter, and showing the world by his
superior holiness, his zeal for God, his sterling
integrity, and his unselfish truthfulness, that he
is not of the world, even as Christ was not of the
world. You cannot tell how concerned I am for some
of you, that this broad wall should be kept up; for
I detect in some of you at times a desire to make it
very narrow, and, perhaps, to pull it down
altogether. Brethren, beloved in the Lord, you may
depend upon it that nothing worse can happen to a
church than to be conformed unto this world. Write
"Ichabod" upon her walls then; for the sentence of
destruction has gone out against her. But, if you
can keep yourselves as—
"A garden walled around,
Chosen and made peculiar
you shall have your
Master's company; your graces shall grow; you shall
be happy in your own souls; and Christ shall be
honored in your lives.
II. Secondly; the broad
wall round about Jerusalem INDICATED SAFETY.
In the same way, a broad
wall round Christ's church indicates her safety too.
Consider who they are that belong to the church of
God. A man does not become a member of Christ's
church by baptism, nor by birthright, nor by
profession, nor by morality. Christ is the door into
the sheepfold; every one who believes in Jesus
Christ is a member of the true church. Being a
member of Christ, he is a member, consequently, of
the body of Christ, which is the church. Now, around
the church of God—the election of grace, the
redeemed by blood, the peculiar people, the adopted,
the justified, the sanctified—around the church
there are bulwarks of stupendous strength, munitions
which guard them safely. When the foe came to attack
Jerusalem, he counted the towers and bulwarks, and
marked them well; but after he had seen the strength
of the Holy City, he fled away. How could he hope
ever to scale such ramparts as those? Brethren,
Satan often counts the towers and bulwarks of the
New Jerusalem. Anxiously does he desire the
destruction of the saints, but it shall never be. He
that rests in Christ is saved. He who hath passed
through the gate of faith to rest in Jesus Christ
may sing, with joyful confidence—
"The soul that on Jesus
hath lean'd for repose,
I will not, I will not
desert to his foes;
That soul, though all
hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, no
never forsake."
"I will be," saith
Jehovah, "a wall of fire round about thee."
Salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks.
The Christian is
surrounded by the broad wall of God's power. If God
be omnipotent, Satan cannot defeat him. If God's
power be on my side, who, then, shall hurt me? "If
God be for us, who can be against us?"
The Christian is
surrounded by the broad wall of God's love. Who
shall prevail against those whom God loves? I know
that it is vain to curse those whom God hath not
cursed, or to defy those whom the Lord hath not
defied; for whomsoever he blesseth is blessed
indeed. Balak, the son of Zippor, sought to curse
the beloved people, and he went first to one
hill-top and then to another, and looked down upon
the chosen camp. But, aha! Balaam, thou couldst not
curse them, though Balak sought it! Thou couldst
only say, "They are blessed, yea, and they shall be
God's law is a broad wall
around us, and so is his justice too. These once
threatened our destruction, but now the justice of
God demands the salvation of every believer. If
Christ has died instead of me, it would not be
justice if I had to die also for my sin. If God has
received the full payment of the debt from the hand
of the Lord Jesus Christ, then how can he demand the
debt again? He is satisfied, and we are secure.
The immutability of God,
also, surrounds his people like a broad wall. "I am
God, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are
not consumed." As long as God is the same, the rock
of our salvation will be our secure hiding-place.
Upon this delightful
truth, we might linger long, for there is much to
cheer us in the strong security which God has given
in covenant to his people. They are surrounded by
the broad wall of electing love. Doth God choose
them, and will he lose them? Did he ordain them to
eternal life, and shall they perish? Did he engrave
their names upon his heart, and shall those names be
blotted out? Did he give them to his Son to be his
heritage, and shall his Son lose his portion? Did he
say, "They shall be mine, saith the Lord, in the day
when I make up my jewels," and shall he part with
them? Has he who maketh all things obey him no power
to keep the people whom he has formed for himself to
be his own peculiar heritage? God forbid that we
should doubt it. Electing love, like a broad wall,
surrounds every heir of grace.
And oh, how broad is the
wall of redeeming love. Will Jesus fail to claim the
people he bought with so great a price? Did he shed
his blood in vain? How can he revive enmity against
those whom he hath once reconciled unto God, not
imputing their transgressions unto them? Having
obtained eternal redemption for them, will he
adjudge them to everlasting perdition? Has he purged
their sins by sacrifice, and will he then leave them
to be the victims of satanic craft? By the blood of
the everlasting covenant, every Christian-may be
assured that he cannot perish, neither can any pluck
him out of Christ's hand. Unless the cross were all
a peradventure, unless the atonement were a mere
speculation, those for whom Jesus died are saved
through his death. Therefore he shall see of the
travail of his soul and be satisfied.
As a broad wall which
surrounds the saints of God is the work of the Holy
Spirit. Does the spirit begin and not finish the
operations of his grace? Ah no? Does he give life
which afterwards dies out? Impossible! Hath he not
told us that the Word of God is the incorruptible
seed, which liveth and abideth for ever? And shall
the powers of hell or the evil of our own flesh
destroy what God has pronounced immortal, or cause
dissolution to that which God says is incorruptible?
Is not the Spirit of God given us to abide with us
for ever, and shall he be expelled from that heart
in which he has taken up his everlasting dwelling
place? Brethren, we are not of their mind, who are
led by fear of fallacy to hazard such conjectures.
We rejoice to say with Paul, "I am persuaded that he
who hath begun a good work in you will carry it on."
We like to sing—
"Grace will complete what
grace begins,
To save from sorrows or
from sins;
The work that wisdom
Eternal mercy ne'er
Almost every doctrine of
grace affords us a broad wall, a strong bastion, a
mighty bulwark, a grand munition of defence. Take,
for instance, Christ's suretyship engagements. He is
surety to his Father for his people. When he brings
home the flock, think you he will have to report
that some of them are lost? At his hands will they
be required. Not so!
"I know that safe with
him remains,
Protect by his power,
What I've committed to
his hands,
Till the decisive hour."
"Here am I," will he say,
"and the children whom thou hast given me, of all
whom thou hast given me I have lost none." He will
keep all the saints even to the end. The honor of
Christ is involved. If Christ loses one soul that
leans upon him, the integrity of his crown is gone;
for if there should be one believing soul in hell,
the prince of darkness would hold up that soul and
say—"Aha! Thou couldst not save them all! Aha! Thou
Captain of Salvation, thou wast defeated here! Here
is one poor little Benjamin, one Ready-to-Halt, that
thou couldst not bring to glory, and I have him to
be my prey for ever!" But it shall not be. Every gem
shall be in Jesu's crown. Every sheep shall be in
Jesu's flock. He shall not be defeated in any way,
or in any measure; but he shall divide the spoil
with the strong, he shall establish the cause he
undertakes, he shall eternally conquer; glory be
unto his great and good name!
Thus I have tried to show
you the broad walls which are round about believers.
They are saved, and they may say to their enemies,
"the virgin daughter of Zion hath shaken her head at
them, and laughed them to scorn! Who shall lay
anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God
that justifieth; who is he that condemneth? It is
Christ that died, yea, rather that hath risen again
from the dead; who sitteth at the right hand of God,
who also maketh intercession for us! For I am
persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels,
nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any
other creature, shall be able to separate us from
the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
III. The idea of a broad
wall, and with this I close, SUGGESTS ENJOYMENT.
The walls of Ninevah and
Babylon were broad; so broad that there was found
room for several chariots to pass each other. Here
men walked at sunset, and talked and promoted good
fellowship. If you have ever been in the city of
York you will know how interesting it is to walk
around the broad walls there. But our figure is
drawn from the Orientals. They were accustomed to
come out of their houses and walk on the broad
walls. They used them for rest from toil, and for
the manifold pleasures of recreation. It was very
delightful when the sun was going down, and all was
cool, to walk on those broad walls. And so, when a
believer comes to know the deep things of God, and
to see the defences of God's people, he walks along
them and he rests. "Now," saith he, "I am at rest
and peace; the destroyer cannot molest me; I am
delivered from the noise of archers in the place of
the drawing of water, and here I can exercise myself
in prayer and meditation! Now that salvation is
appointed for walls and bulwarks, I will sing a song
unto him who hath done these great things for me; I
will take my rest and be quiet for he that believeth
hath entered into rest; there is, therefore, now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus."
Broad walls, then, are for rest, and so are our
broad walls of salvation.
Those broad walls were
also for communion. Men came there and talked with
one another. They leaned over the wall and whispered
their loving words, conversed of their business,
comforted one another, related their troubles and
their joys. So, when believers come unto Christ
Jesus they commune with one another, with the
angels, with the spirits of just men made perfect,
and with Jesus Christ their Lord, who is best of
all. Oh! on those broad walls, when the banner of
love waves over them, they sometimes rejoice with a
joy unspeakable, in fellowship with him who loved
them and gave himself for them. It is a blessed
thing in the Church when you get such a knowledge of
the doctrines of the gospel that you can have the
sweetest communion with all the Church of the living
And then the broad walls
were also intended for prospects and outlooks. The
citizen came up on the broad wall, and looked away
from the smoke and dirt of the city within, right
across to the green fields, and the gleaming river,
and the far off mountains, delighted to watch the
mowing of hay, or the reaping of corn, or the
setting sun beyond the distant hills. It was one of
the common enjoyments of the citizen of any walled
city, to come to the top of the wall in order to
take views afar. So, when a man once gets into the
altitudes of gospel doctrines, and has learned to
understand the love of God in Christ Jesus, what
views he can take! How he looks down upon the
sorrows of life! How he looks beyond that narrow
little stream of death! How, sometimes, when the
weather is bright and his eye is clear enough to let
him use the telescope, he can see within the gates
of pearl, and behold the joys which no mortal eye
hath seen, and hear the songs which no mortal ear
hath heard, for these are things, not for eyes and
ears, but for hearts and spirits! Blessed is the man
who dwelleth in the Church of God, for he can find
on her broad walls places from which he can see the
king in his beauty, and the land which is very far
Ah! dear friends, I wish
that these things had to do with you all, but I am
afraid they have not; for many of you are outside
the wall, and when the destroyer comes none will be
safe but those who are inside the wall of Christ's
love and mercy. I would go to God that you would
escape to the gate at once, for it is open. It will
be shut—it will be shut one day, but it is open now.
When night comes, the night of death, the gate will
be shut, and you will come then and say, "Lord,
Lord, open to us!" But, the answer will be—
"Too late, too late!
Ye cannot enter now."
But it is not too late
yet. Still Christ saith, "Behold, I set before thee
an open door, and no man can shut it." Oh! that thou
hadst the will to come and put thy trust in Jesus;
for if thou dost so, thou shalt be saved. I cannot
speak to some of you about security, for there are
no broad walls to defend you. You have run away from
the security. Perhaps you have been patching up with
some untempered mortar a righteousness of your own,
which will all be thrown down as a bowing wall and
as a tottering fence. Oh! that you would trust in
Jesus! Then would you have a broad wall which all
the battering-rams of hell shall never be able to
shake. When the storms of eternity shall beat
against that wall, it shall stand fast for aye.
I cannot speak to some of
you about rest, and enjoyment, and communion, for
you have sought rest where there is none; you have
got a peace which is no peace, you have found a
comfort which will be your destruction. God make you
to be distressed, and constrain you by sore stress
to flee to the Lord Jesus and get true peace, the
only peace, for "he is our peace." Oh! that you
would close in with Christ and trust him, then you
would rejoice in the present happiness which faith
would give you; but, the sweetest thing of all would
be the prospect which should then unfold to you of
the eternal happiness which Christ has prepared for
all those who put their trust in him.
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