Biblical Sermons
by Wil Pounds
One young pastor related
that after he preached his first sermon a dear lady
in the church compared him to Billy Graham.
She said, “Remember Dear, when Billy Graham first
started preaching he probably wasn’t that good
God has called us to do
biblical preaching. The sermon that God uses
to His glory is one that is rich with biblical
context. Why preach if we don’t declare what God has
spoken in His self-revelation to sinful men and
It deals with human
experiences in their concreteness and existential
truth. Therefore, the Bible-centered sermon is
always relevant. It searches the deep things
in man and women alike.
The Bible searches out
the deep things of the human spirit. It
understands the greatness and misery of the human
soul. The biblical sermon communicates what God has
done to redeem the tragic human situations in life.
It speaks our language in simple, concrete, vivid,
and earthly languages. It reflects our daily
life with its ups and downs, frustrations and joys,
and failures and successes. It deals with our most
basic problem: sin and salvation.
What are Biblical
“Preaching is truth given
through personality,” wrote Phillip Brooks.
Our job as preachers is
not to give a religious sermon, but to deliver a
message from God’s Word to His people. It is more
than giving a talk by a clergyman. Many sermons use
very little of the Bible; it is referred to in
passing or used to introduce the topic and “spring
board” off to a contemporary theme. Some even
promote the world’s view of success and preach a
false gospel of health, wealth and material
prosperity. Self-help psychology is not the good
news from God for sinners. To tell people what they
want to hear and make them feel good is far from
confronting the spiritual problems of our day.
What is desperately
needed is a biblical message that originates from
God’s Word. The preacher is simply the instrument
through which God’s message is delivered to His
people. It is our task to allow the text to
determine both the content and structure of the
message. As the text is unfolded the preacher and
the people get a clear understanding of what God is
saying to them. The message is built around the main
idea of the passage of Scripture.
The preacher who
saturates himself with the biblical truth in sermon
preparations will in turn grip the congregation
because of his own increased conviction. The
sermons will then be a bold proclamation of the
gospel truth. The Word of God will work its
harvest when faithfully proclaimed.
Biblical sermons keep the
adventure of sermon preparation growing. It
keeps the preacher fresh and relevant.
Therefore, the new treasures freshly discovered are
shared with the congregation with an increased
desire to return to the pulpit and speak of the
wonder of new discovery of God’s revelation. The
pastor who stays close to the Word delivers sermons
with fresh renewed enthusiasm each week.
Expository sermons keep
the pastor and the listeners close to the Word.
Therefore, it keeps the preacher and the people
under the integrity of God’s Word. J. A.
Bengel said, “Apply yourself to the whole text, and
apply the whole text to yourself.”
Biblical sermons keep the
listeners close to the Word because of the lofty
elevated emphasis on the Bible in the worship
service. Sermons saturated with Bible content
keeps the preacher under the integrity of God’s
In the biblical sermon,
the great themes of the Bible become our themes.
They become alive in us, and the fresh and living
Word of God confronts the congregation. When
you experience the grace of God in Jesus Christ, you
become alive with evangelical fire, and people know
you have been with God!
God speaks His Word
through the biblical sermon. He has spoken the
Word of God. It is His self-revelation to man.
It is the preacher’s responsibility to discover it
and proclaim it again. When you preach, the
people in your congregation will sense that God is
speaking to them with fresh boldness.
How do you prepare and
preach biblical sermons?
The biblical sermon is
the exposition of the Bible. The preacher must
know the Bible. He must spend time in it in
disciplined study. It must become a lifetime
adventure and discipline.
God wants us to use our
minds. We must make the time, expend the energy, and
give ourselves to study allowing the Holy Spirit to
direct us in our thoughts.
We need all the
scholarship we can get so that we can have an
accurate understanding of God’s Word. We should
welcome anything that will help us to obtain a
thorough and accurate interpretation of the
A. W. Tozer said, “There
is, unfortunately, a feeling in some quarters today
that there is something innately wrong about
learning, and that to be spiritual one must be
stupid.” There is a “cult of ignorance. This is
reflected in a wretchedly inferior religious
literature, a slap-happy type of religious meeting,
and a grade of Christian song so low as to be
positively embarrassing.”
It is essential that we
exegete and interpret Scripture within the context
of the whole Bible. Never lift a word, a
verse, a chapter or book from its context. Be
careful not to distort the meaning of the text.
Preach the Scripture within its context. This
why preaching through a book in the Bible is the
best kind of biblical sermons. Select a book
and preach through it week after week until you have
completed the book.
We do biblical sermons
when we develop the great themes of the Bible in
exposition of the great passages. Preach from
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and you will not
only experience God’s view of the church but the
great doctrines of sovereign grace, election,
depravity of man, redemption, freedom in Christ, the
work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, spiritual
warfare, prayer, world mission, etc. You
cannot fail when you preach God as our Redeemer,
Saviour, His greatness, His majesty, His
transcendence, His nearness, His purity, grace and
We preach on the great
truths that occur again and again like the movements
in a great symphony.
Why does God bless
Biblical sermons?
God has promised to bless
His Word and use it for His glory. “The rain and
snow fall from the sky and do not return, but
instead water the earth and make it produce and
yield crops, and provide seed for the planter and
food for those who must eat. In the same way, the
promise that I make does not return to me, having
accomplished nothing. No, it is realized as I desire
and is fulfilled as I intend” (Isaiah
55:10-11, NET).
W. A. Criswell took 18
years to preach through the Bible. He began with the
first verse in Genesis and continued through
Revelation. “God blessed the procedure more than I
could ever have hoped,” he said. “So many
people began coming to God’s house that after a
while they could not be packed in although the
auditorium is one of the most spacious in America.”
They went to two morning services. “Our people
began bringing their Bibles, reading their Bibles,
and studying their Bibles. They began witnessing to
others as never before. More and more souls
were saved. The spirit of revival and
refreshment became the order in the house of the
The material for the
biblical sermon is like a deep-sea diver who brings
up pearls from the bottom of the sea.
Everytime he brings up a gem to the surface and
exposes it to his listeners, he is reminded that
there are ten thousands more lying on the floor of
the ocean. That is the way it is with biblical
In the biblical sermon
the Word of God must burn like a fire in the
preacher’s bones. That is something that only God
can do for a preacher. It is part of the
miracle of the inspiration of the Scriptures. It is
the living Word of God. We must cultivate the mind
and care for the heart.
We must ask ourselves,
“What do I preach and by what power?”
Jim Elliot, one of the
five Ecuadorian martyrs, wrote in his diary: “Am I
ignitable? God deliver me from the dread asbestos of
‘other things.’ Saturate me with the oil of the
Spirit that I may be a flame. . . Make me Thy fuel,
flame of God.”
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