2 Timothy 3:15 The Words of Jesus
by Dan Ahlenius
Over the last few weeks I
have been thinking and praying about the series of
messages that I am about to begin this morning. It
all started last July when Amy and I went to pick up
her parents and sister and brother-in-law at the
Portland airport for our vacation on the Oregon
Coast in the little town of Yachats. As Amy and I
were walking around the airport I notice most of the
Bookstands were filled with a # I Best Seller called
THE DA VINCI CODE, so I picked up a copy to read
part of the flyleaf and quickly discovered that this
was a book to pull people away from a firm belief in
the Bible or to keep people from ever wanting to
believe in the claims of the Bible. Well, 10 and
behold, for Christmas Amy's Father bought me two
books by scholars called BREAIINGTHE DA VINCI CODE
and THE DA VINCI DECEPTION. Both of these books try
to give people a proper view of how blatantly false
and ignorant the purported truths are in DAN BROWN'S
THE DA VINCI CODE. Furthermore, I am told that
Hollywood is going to make a blockbuster movie based
on this heretical book. Consequently, over the Next
5 weeks I want to preach a series of messages that
will clear up in your minds what the Bible says
about Jesus is true. Therefore, we will focus on the
foundation that the Bible contains the very words of
Jesus. The Divinity of Jesus, the Celibacy of Jesus,
the Resurrection of Jesus, and finally the
Exclusiveness of Jesus. Consequently, we will embark
on a 5-week theological journey that will be
topical, but exegetically based.
"All Scripture is
inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for training in
righteousness; so that the man of God may be
adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy
3:16-17, NASB 1995)
I. All Scripture is
God Breathed (v. 16a)
A) When
we read that Paul is claiming that" ALL" Scripture
is God Breathed he is voicing his firm belief that
all of the Old Testament writings from GENESIS TO
MALACHI, the 39 Books (Canon of accepted Jewish
Scriptures were "breathed" or "inspired" by God.
I cannot speak for each person here, but I am just
as convinced as the Apostle Paul was that God,
Himself inspired and enabled Moses, David, and the
Prophets to write down material that is widely
recognized to have originated in the heart and mind
of God Almighty.
C) Now,
I do not believe that God wholeheartedly indwelt
each writer so that they did not know what they were
D) On
the contrary, I believe that the Lord worked through
each of these human writers so that their writing
styles and personalities are evident.
But, at the same time I don't believe that the Old
Testament saints were generally aware that what they
were recording would be considered Holy, or Sacred
writings by the generation of men and women that
would follow them.
Likewise, when the Apostle Paul and the other
writers of the New Testament were writing letters to
the various churches or individual people, I don't
think they were conscious that they had literary
masterpieces in their hands.
Rather, God uses imperfect man in order to get His
perfect message across, and obviously He decided to
use the men who served Him to do so.
H) I
want to read to you what THE BAPTIST FAITH AND
MESSAGE has to say about the Scriptures that we call
the Bible. "The Holy Bible was written by men
divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself
to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine
instruction. It has God for its author, salvation
for its end, and truth, without any mixture of
error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is
totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the
principles by which God judges us, and therefore is,
and will remain to the end of the world, the true
center of Christian union, and the supreme standard
by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious
opinions should be tried. All Scripture is a
testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of
divine revelation."
Therefore, if you agree with the explanation of THE
BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE, then you hold that the 66
Books that we have in our Bibles are God's divine,
inspired, and trustworthy words written down so that
we might know Jesus better and more fully.
READ 2 PETER 1:20-21, whereby the Apostle Peter
collaborates with Paul on the belief that the
Scriptures were given directly by the Holy Spirit.
He even said that men were carried along by the Holy
Spirit to pen His words to us.
II. What Paul Tells Us
Scripture is Useful For (v. 16b-17)
Teaching About God
What we know about God and His character is revealed
in the pages of the Bible.
Not many of us, if any of us, is able to have a
regular time of fellowship with God without the help
of His written Word.
God has been revealed to us in the Bible so that we
might know about Him, in order that we might learn
to know Him personally.
Teaching About Man
We learn that we came from Adam and Eve and that we
were born separated from God.
The Bible gives us information about ourselves that
we wouldn't know otherwise.
The Bible gives us guidance as to why we are here on
Earth, namely to know, worship, and serve God.
God has explained to us why we were created and what
He desires from us.
Teaching About Sin
The Bible clearly describes right from wrong and
tells us what is sinful.
Then it explains how we can receive forgiveness
through Jesus Christ.
There is a big controversy in our country Today
concerning who can and cannot be married, but if all
Americans believed in the Bible then they would
accept God's verdict that homosexuality is an
abomination in His eyes. We must love the person
hate the sin.
Teaching About Life
1) The Bible
teaches us how to deal with people and situations.
It also teaches us about doctrines and what we are
to believe.
In a nutshell, the Word of God teaches us what the
meaning of life is and how to have a truly
fulfilling life.
Teaching About the Afterlife
The Bible prepares us for when we die because it
outlines two areas or choices we have.
We must choose to prepare to live in Heaven with God
or in Hell separated from God our Maker.
And the Bible also gives a brief glimpse of what
will happen in the afterlife so that we can eagerly
anticipate going home to our Maker.
III. The Bible Is
Useful for Rebuilding (v. 16c)
This idea of rebuking means to confront our wrong
actions so that we can change them.
The Bible is a consistent measuring stick or guide
that enables us to conform to God's plan for our
For instance we may have the belief that it is okay
to live in sin because we are saved. But, the
Apostle Paul tells us in ROMANS 6:1-2, that we died
to sin and that it is basically a slap in Jesus'
face to sin on purpose.
The Bible is to be used to rebuke those who have
fallen into error, or sin in their lives. And the
proper Scriptures should be shown to the person so
that they might be won back to right living.
To Rebuke means that the Bible can be used to
reprimand a person for doing something that God does
not approve of.
The Word of God is powerful and authoritative as
HEBREWS 4:12 teaches. The Word of God can penetrate
to our very soul and can convict us of wrongdoing.
The Word of God is the standard of practice that
each person and each church should abide by.
Therefore, the words of Scripture should lovingly be
used to rebuke believers who have gone astray in
order to lead them back to a right way of living.
When the Word of God is used correctly for rebuking
sin, or error, it is the Lord who is speaking not
us; therefore, God's Word should be the Authority to
be followed and obeyed.
IV. The Bible Is
Useful for Correcting (v. 16d)
To correct means to guide someone back from error,
or to set right.
For example, I might have a leadership style of
being overbearing and like to dictate orders and one
of you might come to me in love and tell me that
Jesus lead out of a servant hood style of
leadership, which might be more beneficial to the
I would stand corrected and would have to decide
whether or not to follow Jesus' style of leadership
rather than my own.
Or I might say something wrong about the Bible such
as how old Moses was when he died. And one of you
could point to the Book of EXODUS to show me that
Moses was 120 years of age when he died, not 90.
To correct is like attempting to set a broken bone
in a cast so that it might grow back properly.
The Bible can be used to correct people of wrong
statements, beliefs, or claims.
To correct mainly speaks of changing another's
beliefs or ideas whereas, to rebuke speaks of
pointing out the wrong, or harmful actions of
others, something they have already committed.
Thus, the Bible is highly useful in correcting wrong
perceptions, or misunderstandings in a person's
beliefs, or viewpoints.
Therefore, the Word of God is our source and
foundation for all that we should believe and think,
and it should be used in a gentle way to correct, or
steer misguided people back to God's Truth.
If we believe that God's Word is inspired and that
He gave it to us then we should use it as a guide
and measuring stick to make sure that we are
believing what God said not what we want to believe.
V. The Bible is Useful
for Training In Righteousness (v. 16e-17)
The Bible can be used as a How-to-Book.
It clearly tells us what to do to please God and how
to get along with our fellow man.
It also clearly points out what not to do, or what
to avoid.
God has given us instructions on how to live a
righteous life and Jesus gave us The Golden Rule as
a summary of all that is expected of us.
The Bible Offers Us Training.
Just as a young child has to be taught how to walk,
the Bible offers us instructions on how to live our
new Christian lives.
But, it also applies to those who are maturing in
their faith.
The Bible provides many stories that teach us
Biblical principles as well as words of wisdom such
as the book of PROVERBS, for straightforward advice
on how to handle certain situations.
Then at the end of verse 17, Paul told Timothy that
the end result of learning and appreciating the
Scriptures was that he would mature as a man of God
and be equipped for every good work.
But, what does this have to do with the Heretical
Baal! and Movie that is on it's way?
VI. The Modern Danger
The Da Vinci Code Challenges the Origin of the
Dan Brown, the author of this book claims that the
27 books in our New Testament just happen to be a
selective and narrow-minded collection that
Christians have arbitrarily decided to use.
He even goes so far as to imply that Emperor
Constantine in 313 A.D. became a Christian and
forced all the Bishops to choose what was going to
be considered the Bible at the Council of Nicea in
325 A.D.
However, since late in the first century and early
in the second century, when the church was
relatively young, the books that we have in our New
Testament were widely recognized as having God's
stamp of approval on them well before Emperor
Constantine made Christianity the new religion of
the Empire, which began the rise of the Papacy in
The 27 books in our New Testament have pretty much
withstood the attacks of heretics throughout the
last 2000 years, but we must be cautious to the
devious implications and suggestions of modern-day
authors and movie producers who will do their best
to lead people away from the truth.
Dan Brown has tried to use writings found at a place
called Nag Hammadi, to shed "LIGHT" on what we know
to be truth.
These extra-biblical writings are so call "WISDOM
Some of their titles include, Gospel of Thomas,
Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Mary; Acts of John,
Testimony of Truth, Pis tis Sophia, and Wisdom of
Jesus Christ.
Holding True to the Only Bible
The early church Fathers and leaders, as a large
majority denounced these writings as being heretical
and not fit for reading.
And if the Church through the ages had declared
writings and teachings contained in these and
similar writings to be contrary to God's divinely
inspired Word, then so should we.
The Solution is that God has upheld the 66 Books
that we have in our Bibles as His divinely, inspired
Word, by practice and discernment; therefore, to try
and understand the Bible by using any other book or
writings, whether ancient or modern is simply unwise
and basically foolish.
Therefore, as your Pastor
I must affirm my strong position that the Bible that
we have that consists of the 39 Books in the Old
Testament and 27 in the New Testament are the only
trustworthy and divinely breathed and inspired words
from God that we have and should use for teaching,
rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
Moreover, anything that any book not part of our 66
member Bible should not be used to try and
understand who Jesus Christ is. God has told us what
we need to know about Him and we don't need any
other man's help in knowing or fellowshipping with
Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God.
(c) 2005 Message by Dan
Dan is a graduate of
William Carey University, B.A., New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary, Master Divinity.
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